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Ring of Light Bulbs
Home: Welcome


A university is supposed to be a place where ideas are freely exchanged and where the individual grows both intellectually and morally to...

Are Books Really Not Worth Reading?

You must be fancying me mad after reading this title. How can a writer even entertain such a thought on the subject of books? Not to...

On The Baalization Of Political Figures

In a world where authoritarianism is on the rise, one cannot help but ask the question: "How does democracy die?". "In darkness" is what...

He Walks On By

The solitary man struts the streets Oblivious to the snow and the show Gaze firmly fixed to the horizon No rush - he's learned to take it...

St. Helena

Stuck on island of your own Trapped inside your room for a thousand days Reliving all the battles past Thinking of the realm that you...

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