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A Few Little Valentines

Love takes on many colors, not just red and pink. We often think of it as the “happily ever after” and the white picket fence with kids playing in the yard. It is often so much more. More often, love looks like an exercise in imagination, a bit of emotional masochism, or simply a feeble attempt to fill a void in life. And yet, there's beauty there in some twisted way. This Valentine's Day, let's briefly explore some of these types of love.

The Obsessive Delusion

You meet them. Maybe they met you, or maybe not. You burned with desire, building a world inside your head around them. Deep inside, you know it could never be. But it's too late now. You've invested too much. This person's your entire world now. You've burned yourself in the fire of a lie. You've drowned yourself in the ocean of a love that was never yours to love. And you die inside once the veil is lifted.

The Fan

You watch all their stories. Looks even lovelier than usual in that little dance video. And don't you wish you had that shirt, to hold it, to sniff it, to dream you to sleep at night? You live their life because it's better than living yours. You're their unofficial biographer aren't you? Send a dollar or two. Watch a livestream or two. It's never enough. Who knew you could love pixels on a screen so hard, so brutally, so fatally.

The Toxic Love

They love you. They hate you. They sweet talk. They shout. Build you up and tear you down and on the roller coaster goes. “Hit me! Hit me! And hit me again!” “Use me, abuse me but never refuse me!” Doesn't it sound so pathetically familiar? You love what hurts you. You pine for what will destroy you. In the end, you just want to feel like someone cares enough even to slap you or steal your money. It's better than being alone.

The Broken Lover

It was one heartbreak too many. You'll never fall in love again. The bones shattered from the last impact never fully healed, and never will. You flew high but crashed hard to earth. You don't like the sky any more because you know what lies below. It's better to roll alone and fall in love with yourself if you ever can. You can't betray you right?

The Happy Together

You made it. You have a house to call a home. The kids run through the yard, lives brought forth by the love you share. Everything is beautiful. But deep down inside, you know it must end. You know death will do you part and that this bliss will come to pass. Everything does. But enjoy it while you can. Most will never know what it's like to experience a “happy together” love story. You are a lucky one.

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